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One door closes as another one opens- A journey BignBuff Bespoke & The BBB *BIG PRIZE GIVEAWAY*


By now many of you will recognise the name BignBuff, now more appropriately named BignBuff Bespoke an ode to their expansion and recognition of their adaptability and journey.

BignBuff was founded almost by mistake, many a moon ago by the wonderful man himself and his partner in crime, the dynamic duo are some of the kindest and most talented people in the scene and arguably, the world, if we do so say ourselves.

Big started creating products for himself and his friends, an engineer by trade and generally handy guy with tools, a few scattered experiments later and using their nick names Big (him) n Buff (her) to stamp some of their rudimentary products, BignBuff was born.

This one's nearly 20 years old!

Over the years Big n Buff have frequented the west midlands scene, becoming faces recognised by many and friends to many more. Their charismatic energies and delightful interactions will be remembered by so many in years to come.

Big forever sending a lovely heart warming grin followed by some of the best hugs we’ve ever seen and Buff, the ever bubbly pocket rocket of sass are always welcomed with open arms.

Way Back When

Some of you may recall the epic world closure we all experienced, March 23rd 2020 (not that we’re keeping track or anything) was the first of the lockdowns and through this the scene suffered along with many others, clubs were lost, friends were separated and the scene suffered a huge block to what was a large community not only for self expression but for businesses that were once thriving.

You may not have known but in the months leading up to the pandemic Liberation-FS owned and managed by Faye Sanders and her beloved wife beastie-FS had been working long and hard to obtain a premises to call their own, and in late 2019 the venue ‘Liberations’ was born, launching to the public in Feb 2020 after months of grafting and lots of paint and floor tiles. Their hard work had paid off just in time for the pandemic to hit. They were able to run some fantastic events, the first and last Pic n Mix at Liberation, classes on self care, breath play, yoga & rope, including offering a space for a ‘little sister market’ to the BBB where some of the traders you all know and love held their stalls in the first ever socially distant Liberation Avenue shopping experience while the BBB & Nightingales were on a lockdown hiatus.

Here's one of Bigs custom corsets being tried on a customer at Liberations

The very first traders to step forward were BignBuff who had been working in the background with them from Nov 2019.

Not only did they step forward to trade at the first market, thus leading the way for others, but they donated a huge stock of 15 bespoke hand tooled paddles for Liberations to raffle off AND if that wasn’t enough, they gifted Faye and beastie with a beautiful canes bag, which they were able to raffle off raising the much needed funds to pay towards keeping the venue. A beautiful and long standing friendship was blossoming into something so much more, a family connection born from love and generosity.

Alas, much like others, the mandated lockdowns meant that Liberations was a short but well loved endeavour and in January 2021 the doors closed for a final time and they said goodbye to their home…. Or so they thought.

A Secret Door

Shortly after, a doorway that no one knew existed squeaked open and behind the scenes a new journey was beginning. Aug 2021 was the relaunch of The Birmingham Bizarre Bazaar and at the helm sat Faye and beastie-FS accompanied by their team of crew and a whole host of traders ready to tackle this new post pandemic world we were all growing to understand. Since day one BignBuff have traded under the Liberation Network, being part of the team and offering cuddles and joy along the way.

Since coming on board with the BBB they have donated multiple prizes: a series of 6 floggers which were designed and made especially to give away, with nothing asked in return, Big and Buff have always maintained that they want everyone to have access to quality pieces of kit and this was a way they could ensure everyone had a chance at getting their hands on something bespoke.

We’ve also had a couple of their staple deer antler floggers go through our free raffles.

What Happening Now?

This year they have made the step up to trade alone at a few other markets across the country and boy did they jump in!

They are also about to take the big leap into the world of online trading. Your heard it here first! BignBuff are going live!

To celebrate this huge step and as a thank you to all those who have supported them at the BBB Big and Buff have given us one heck of a prize!

For this month we give you the BignBuff BitOfBoth Raffle! Free ticket to everyone that comes to the BBB and the option to purchase an extra ticket, at just £2 a ticket or three for £5, you would be mad not to double your chances to take this absolute beauty home! Traders and crew alike are free to purchase tickets too giving everyone the chance at this incredible, bespoke, beloved & beautiful piece of BnB and The BBB.

BignBuff Bespoke’s website will be launching and open for business on the 16th June 2023, two days before The BBB.

A collaboration between BignBuff, Liberation-FS and the BBB.

A heartfelt thank you for everything from Faye and beastieFS, the Liberation Network and stall staff you’ve worked alongside with, here’s to many more of your beautiful products and many more beautiful moments.

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