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Birmingham, you've been bizarre. Thank you!






The first BBB of the year!! 2023 we made it!! To those who embraced the theme of VIKINGS thank you, it means the world to us that you feel comfortable in your skin and safe enough to show the real you. We are proud of you all and my gosh, what a show you put on!!

Here’s one for the memory bank.


To our hardworking, handcrafting traders, we thank you as always for bringing your beautiful bespoke items to the BBB and making it a magical place for all who require it.

Forget to grab the name of the trader on the day? Here they are one more time…


* Terris Corsets and Lingerie @TerrisCorsets

* Joanne's Reviews Estim @JoannesReviews

* Bearbite Bondage @bearbitebondage

* Scarlet In Chains @ScarletInChains

* Lanas Allures @Lanas-Allures

* Alternative Couture @altcouture

* Skully’s Candles @skullycandles

* SevenSinLatex @SevenSinLatex

* DOXY 🆕

* Noctiferia @krystalpeaks

* @__ALF__


* The Liberation Network: @Liberation-FS

And products by:





* Bondatrix @Bondatrix

* Leather Delights @leatherdelights

* TrussedUK @TrussedUK

* Sinful Floggers @SinfulFloggers

* Leni's Atelier @LeniUK

* Freakily Unique @Freakilyunique

* Kinkz Clothing @kinkz

* Godemiche @godemiche

* Vixon

* DirtySexyWords @madamezak

* Ironic Kraft @ironickrafts


* Spoilt Kitty @SpoiltKitty

* Whips and Sticks @whipsandsticks

* HeadBagsUK @Head_Bags_Uk

* LittleHoSoapCo @LittleHoSoapCo

* KinkyKraken @kinkykrakenuk

* Hollistic Roy’s Massage @reindeerroy

* F3Werks @F3werks

* Gay Glass Stall 🆕

* Knk Collective 🆕

* Freebound Studio @FreedboundStudio

* Fetishwoodcraft @fetishwoodcraft

* Queen Of Chains


To all of our prize winners! From the free raffle winners and beautifully best dressed kinksters! In fabulous attire but not leaving your name, taking the stage show best dressed prize in true style and secret, you came, you won, you ran off! Please drop us a message and electric_dave winning return tickets to the BBB & Afterparty and bessiebaby taking the social media best dressed prize in her techno pink viking attire, you looked amazing!!

Our raffle prize was won by a wonder patreon, but we’re so sorry, we didn't get your name! Please comment and we will tag you accordingly.


Big thanks go to Kikka_Jennie for your time and dedication to those who came to discuss or pay tribute, you absolutely smashed your pitch, you were approachable and engaging and frankly a huge asset to the day, we thank you immensely.

A huge thank you to the wonderful Allouetta La Zouch @akkapus for your exceptional performances. Absolutely captivating, enthralling, emotionally fuelled, enraging in all the right ways, powerful and intoxicating to watch. Absolutely fully endorse you to go world wide immediately and take over everything. We can’t wait to have you back.

Thank you to Mist3rbee for your on stage discussion on pressure point play. It was insightful, engaging and wonderful to have something different for people to learn about, we hope you had lots of fun and we adored your well grown out viking beard!


A special Thanks to krystalpeaks staff & Scarletinchains staff for the exceptional support of our in house maintenance Skullywag when experiencing technical issues, your support did not go unnoticed and we send out a special thanks, especially while you were setting up your own stalls.


Finally to the kaleidoscope of crew members that makes it all happen. Our spartans, our midshifts and our trainees, thank you! (If you can crew like a Spartan with a smile and would like to join the team then inbox us!)

-BadRabbit- Slug- skullywag Rick_JL Just_Sara _l0ki_ Alice_Malice_ bear-wolf010 just_sara_boy PureRetro-FS jaqpurple bratofalltrades Himbo- -fireinhereyes- agallantdominant, DaddysAddy AddysDaddy Neoteric kittyamory babyonabike and her happy band of volunteers who help the traders unload in the mornings and of course to the Nightingale Club staff who give up their Sundays to liberate ours!

From an elated BBB Owners Faye_Sanders & beastie-FS and the crew


If you would like to be in our BBB "Tagged in" gallery please add @_The_BBB_ in the People box under your photo! Show off your outfits, shopping, hotel shots, bruises & smiles! Or just tag us in your reviews or photos so we can love and reply to you!

(Same goes for our @BBB_Afterparty gallery tag them in the People box!)

Until next year…

🖤BBB MAY 21st🖤


🛍️ 3 Floors of alternative stalls

🏆 Free Raffle

🔥 Meet A Mistress

🏆 Best Dressed Prizes

💃 Burlesque

🍻 Bars/cafe/garden

⬛Latex munch

😈 AfterParty

🖤OCT 13-15

## BBB:

## BBBAfterParty:

Find all of our 2023 dates and themes here:

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