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BBB's Next fundraising journey HUGE RAFFLE!


Updated: Oct 25, 2023

Over the past two years we have had the honour of being a part of some incredible fundraisers, whether it has been by offering our space for others to work in, raffles for fabulous prizes or donations sent.

With the support of you, the public, we have helped raise transition funds, paid for flights, supported folks through cancer treatments as well as helped a few home emergencies.

As part of BFW there was a massive raffle with prizes donated from all across Birmingham and the West Midlands by some truly wonderful people. And you, equally wonderful people, helped us raise over £1000, 50% was sent over to Backlash and then we found ourselves looking at the other 50%.

Helping people express their authentic self is one of our big passions at the BBB, something we fully encourage, support and celebrate for all of our attendees. Sometimes, it's not so easy for people. Sometimes people are left in a position in life where they have to hide their authentic self or they have to fight a daily battle for it.

One person in particular, one of our very own crew, faces this daily challenge and whilst they have a Fetfam who would go to war for them, some battles we cannot win for them.

This one we can.

We will be donating a portion of BFW’s remaining winnings and opening up our future fundraising for Himbo. One of BBB, BFW and LBL’s crew members, a long time friend and fetfamily member, who is a kind, considerate and active community member. The money raised will be put towards Himbos transition/top surgery fund, helping to cover everything from medical cost to post op support.

The pot has already been started so please feel free to give however you choose.

But if you would like the chance to win a whopper of a prize whilst also helping support someone… come along to the next BBB!

Bignbuff have stepped up once again and donated a one of a kind extra large canes tube with all proceeds going to Himbos Happily Ever After fund. Tickets will be available at November and December's BBB with the winner being drawn at the December 3:30pm BBB Stage show. We will be taking names and numbers for the ticket so even if you cannot make it, we can let you know if you are our winner.

Tickets will be priced at £2 Each or 3 for £5! So for just £2 you could be taking home this beautiful bespoke piece, you could also help change someone's life.

Huge thanks to anyone who purchased a BFW raffle ticket, you have helped us start this off, thanks to Bignbuff for your unwavering support in all areas. We look forward to seeing who takes the win on this one and thank you all in advance for helping us help others.


Since posting this we have had some amazing responses including some other events, traders and community members all coming forward to offer more prizes to add into this raffle! Thank you all so much for your contributions! This raffle is getting bigger by the minute!

SugarAndSpice_BJ has donated 2 tickets for one of their 2024 events!

SpoiltKitty has donated a voucher for their stall!

Blue_oasis has donated two prizes and is going for the Christmas theme! One speciality box of chocolates with a MarksandSpencer voucher AND a vegan speciality box of chocolates with a MarksandSpencer voucher!

Tara_Red has donated two tickets for one of her amazing workshops!

LibsFetishEvents has donated 2 tickets any Emargo event in 2024!

madamezak has donated a copy of Heckin Lewd to the raffle (anthology edited by Mx Nillin)

-BadRabbit_ who has donated a £50 custom curio piece (frame or small globe depending on your vision/ and the item value).

Kali_ma has donated 2 tickets to a CirqueDeChaos!

Head_Bags_UK has donated one of their newest Japanese Head Bags (with blackout liner)

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